Guide for Buying HDB in Singapore for PR

Purchasing a Housing Development Board (HDB) flat as a Permanent Resident (PR) in Singapore can be a complex process, filled with various regulations and requirements.

This guide for buying HDB for PR aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the steps involved, the eligibility criteria, and effective strategies for navigating the HDB resale market. This guide will also equip PRs buying property with the necessary knowledge to make informed decisions.

Understanding HDB Flats

HDB flats are public housing units developed and managed by the Singapore government. They are designed to provide affordable housing options to Singaporeans and Permanent Residents. The HDB offers various flat types, including 2-room Flexi, 3-room, 4-room, 5-room, and executive flats, each catering to different family sizes and income levels.

Eligibility Criteria for PRs

Basic Eligibility

To buy an HDB resale flat, PRs must meet certain eligibility conditions:

  1. Age: The applicant must be at least 21 years old.
  2. Family Nucleus: PRs can only purchase a resale flat under one of the following schemes:
    • Public Scheme (with a Singapore Citizen or another PR as part of the family nucleus)
    • Fiancé/Fiancée Scheme
  3. Income Ceiling: There is no income ceiling for buying a resale flat, but it is important to ensure that the household income supports the loan repayment comfortably.
  4. Citizenship: At least one applicant must be a Singapore Permanent Resident.

Financial Considerations

Budgeting and Financing

Budgeting for an HDB flat involves several key components:

  1. Initial Payments:
    • Option Fee: Upon obtaining the Option to Purchase (OTP), the buyer must pay an option fee (up to $1,000).
    • Option Exercise Fee: To exercise the OTP, an additional fee (up to $4,000) must be paid.
  2. Downpayment: This varies based on the financing method. If taking an HDB loan, the downpayment is 20% of the purchase price, payable using CPF savings and/or cash. For a bank loan, the downpayment is 25%, with at least 5% in cash and the remainder from CPF savings or cash.
  3. Monthly Loan Repayments: Consider the loan amount, interest rates, and loan tenure. PRs can finance their purchase through:
    • HDB Concessionary Loan: Available only if one of the buyers is a Singapore Citizen.
    • Bank Loan: PRs typically use bank loans for financing. It is crucial to compare different banks for favorable interest rates and terms.
  4. Miscellaneous Costs:
    • Stamp Duty: This is a tax on the property transaction, calculated as a percentage of the purchase price or market value, whichever is higher.
    • Legal Fees: These cover the conveyancing process.
    • Valuation Fee: Required for determining the market value of the flat.
    • Home Insurance: Mandatory fire insurance from HDB, along with optional comprehensive home insurance.

Finding the Right Flat

Location and Amenities

When selecting an HDB flat, consider factors such as proximity to public transportation, schools, healthcare facilities, and other amenities. The neighborhood’s future development plans can also impact the property’s value.

Condition of the Flat

Inspect the flat’s condition, including structural integrity, electrical and plumbing systems, and overall maintenance. Engaging a professional property inspector can help identify potential issues that may require costly repairs.

The Buying Process

Step 1: Financial Planning

Before starting the flat-hunting process, it is essential to have a clear understanding of your budget and financing options. Obtain an Approval in Principle (AIP) from a bank if you plan to take a bank loan or HFE if you are taking HDB loan, ensuring you know the loan amount you are eligible for.

Step 2: Flat Hunting

Utilize online property portals, engage property agents, and visit open houses to explore available flats. Evaluate each option based on location, condition, and price.

Step 3: Negotiation and Offer

Once you identify a suitable flat, negotiate the purchase price with the seller. It is crucial to be aware of common negotiation tactics, such as the “take it or leave it” approach. Make a reasonable offer that reflects the flat’s market value and your budget.

Step 4: Option to Purchase (OTP)

If the seller accepts your offer, they will grant you an OTP. Pay the option fee to secure the OTP. This gives you 21 days to decide whether to proceed with the purchase.

Step 5: Exercise the OTP

Within the 21-day period, if you decide to proceed, exercise the OTP by paying the option exercise fee. This formalizes the agreement to purchase the flat.

Step 6: HDB Resale Application

Submit the resale application to HDB jointly with the seller. The application process involves several steps, including a resale checklist, endorsement by both parties, and submission of necessary documents.

Step 7: HDB Approval and Completion

Upon approval, HDB will arrange an appointment for the buyer and seller to complete the resale transaction. At this appointment, the remaining payments are made, and ownership of the flat is transferred to the buyer.

Legal and Regulatory Compliance

Residency Requirement

PRs must sell their HDB flat if they are no longer residing in Singapore, ensuring compliance with HDB’s residency requirements.

Minimum Occupation Period (MOP)

PRs are subject to a Minimum Occupation Period (MOP) of five years before they can sell their flat or purchase another HDB flat.

Lease Buyback Scheme

PRs aged 65 and above may consider the Lease Buyback Scheme, which allows them to sell part of their flat’s lease to HDB in exchange for a lifelong monthly income.

Tips for a Successful Purchase

Engage a Property Agent

A knowledgeable property agent can provide valuable assistance in navigating the HDB resale market, ensuring a smooth transaction process.

Understand Market Trends

Stay informed about market trends and price movements to make a well-informed decision. Property portals, market reports, and real estate experts can offer insights into current and future market conditions.

Prepare for Additional Costs

Aside from the purchase price, budget for renovation costs, furnishings, and other moving expenses. A thorough financial plan will help avoid unexpected financial strain.

Ensure Loan Eligibility

Before committing to a purchase, confirm your loan eligibility and understand the repayment terms. This will prevent potential financial difficulties in the future.

Common Pitfalls to Avoid

Overstretching Your Budget

Avoid committing to a flat that strains your financial resources. Ensure that monthly loan repayments and other housing expenses are manageable within your income.

Ignoring Flat Condition

Do not overlook the importance of a thorough inspection. Addressing issues before purchasing can save significant costs and hassle in the long run.

Rushing the Process

Take your time to research and evaluate different options. Rushing into a purchase may lead to regrets and financial burdens.


Buying an HDB flat as a Permanent Resident involves careful planning, understanding eligibility requirements, and navigating the complexities of the resale market. By following the steps outlined in this guide and adopting effective negotiation strategies, PRs can make informed decisions and secure a suitable home in Singapore. Engaging professional assistance, staying informed about market trends, and meticulous financial planning are key to a successful purchase.

This comprehensive guide aims to equip PRs with the knowledge and tools necessary for a smooth and successful HDB flat purchase, adhering to the detailed and informative style that ensures clarity and practical guidance throughout the process.

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